Hello Family! How are all of you doing?! :D HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! It sounds like you had quite the party! I hope the sky caught on fire nice and good! 
To start off the week we had an awesome counsel in Fuengirola and then we went right into intercambios. I brought this missionary from texas/mexico with me to our area. Super fun :) His name is Elder Gonzalez. He was comps with Elder Sykes right before I went to Granada to be comps with Sykes. There are always miracles on intercambios! We went by this couple and it just so happened that someone was visiting from Mexico. Just a little sidenote: The only time I have ever met someone from mexico was like 8 months ago when I was with a companion from mexico in Alicante. Cool how the Lord works, Right ;) So we taught him and will be visiting them again tomorrow. This companionship lives 4 hours away from us so it is a bit of a hassle to do intercambios.
Then on friday we had an awesome combined district meeting for the 4th of July. A senior missionary couple cooked hamburgers and potato salad and watermelon for us! It was great. We also sang the national anthem and it was such a great feeling :) Oh man, The United States is great. Then to top off the night We were in our piso when I hear explosions. So I I climb up on the roof and it just so happens it was some sortt of festival day here in Alcazar so I saw an awesome firework show. God sure does know how to bless me :)
Ok lets get on to the good stuff. That Armanian family is doing awesome. We went buy to pick up the 17 year old to go to church and she came down in short shorts and we were like, "um can you wear a dress?" She was like oh no problem! So she came down and her mom came down in Pajamas!! We were like, "what the heck! aren´t you going to come?" "I´m invited?" She asked. "of course! Go put on a dress" So she ran up stairs. In the meantime this other investigator we are teaching walks down the street and asks, "why are you all dressed up?"
We told her about church and she decided to come too! (She didn´t have to change by this point :P) But the mom came down in a dress and we all went to church. It was great! The Branch loved them! During all of testimony meeting the shivers kept hitting her and she was like what is this feeling. She told her daughter to go up and bear her testimony because they felt so good haha. The mom is already interested in going to the temple and she still wants to be baptized on the 5th of August. :D Later that night we had a family night in their house and they didn´t want us to leave. Sweet miracles.
Also Carlos came to church and he is solid! On Saturday we visited him and he seemed a little nervous about his baptism as we were showing him all of his clothing. So we started a fast for him. When we got to church he was totally changed and super excited! As church went on we were talking to all the young women and it turns out almost all of them were fasting especifically for him! It was so special to hear all of them talk about helping Carlos! I love it here :)
We found another family in front of Maida Quesada who was baptized a few weeks ago! They stopped us and invited us over to answer their questions. They are also doing good but aren´t married... :/ That is the worst here.
As far as super spiritual experiences.... Every day is a super experience! :D I love the mission. I love talking to people. I love how peoples lives are changed! I love seeing the Lord keep his promises to the people we teach and I love the reaction of the people when they realize what we teach is true. It´s the best!
Love Elder Powell
P.S I´m pulling a Jared and I may be getting a little skinnier on the Mish.... No worries though :)
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